Category Moving
Description We are moving from our home at 5824 Arbaugh Court in Raleigh to our new home in Garner at 1416 Beichler Road. We need 2 strong guys to help take the large furniture and put in the moving truck then go over to the new house ( about 15 minutes down the road ) and help bring the furniture in the house. All of our other belongings will already be at the new house.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
Sweeper Description Need guys able to carry things down the stairs. We only have stairs in our current home.
When and Where
Location Raleigh, 27610
Start Time Sat. Aug 5, 2017 at 9:00am
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Friday, 07/28/17 01:20am
Awarded Sweepers
Nick Z.
4.91 55 Reviews
Richard N.
4.94 88 Reviews
Nick Z. 5 Awesome mover. Was very conscious of taking food care of everything. Would recommend.
Richard N. 5 Was a great mover. So helpful. Very Conscientious of being careful with our stuff. Great guy. Would recommend.

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