Category Moving
Description Need help moving items into a U-Haul Truck. Mostly boxes. 4 beds, 1 couch, and a TV. Also, some exercise equipment. No appliances.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 3
When and Where
Location Apex, 27539
Start Time Mon. Jan 28, 2019 at 9:00am
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Wednesday, 01/09/19 06:05pm
Awarded Sweepers
Abdo T.
4.92 65 Reviews
Jartavis B.
4.94 67 Reviews
Jordan S.
Abdo T. 5 Best of the best! Organized our stuff well, and did it all with a great positive attitude. Job well done!
Jartavis B. 5 Great work! Punctual, positive attitude, and does great work! Definitely a pleasure to work with. Thank you for a job well done!
Jordan S. 5 Awesome work!! Jordan was very punctual, understood exactly what needs to get accomplished, and got it done in a timely manner and great quality. Thank you for a job well done!

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