Category Moving
Description Move living room furniture enough to remove area rug and take rug to garage. Put furniture back in place. Also, move a tv downstairs. Move a hanging picture.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Raleigh, 27612
Start Time Sat. Jan 25 at 11:00am
Time Estimate 1 hour
When Posted Thursday, 01/23/25 06:11pm
Awarded Sweepers
Mike H.
4.96 84 Reviews
Michael W.
4.96 47 Reviews
Mike H. 5 Mike was prompt, professional, efficient, and fun. We had a long list of tasks, and he reviewed all of them and then make a plan. He and Michael did a great job.
Michael W. 5 Michael was professional and he and Mike completed all of our long list of tasks. He was efficient and very fun! Would certainly request his help again!

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