Category Moving
Description moving first floor furniture from house into garage and second floor furniture into master bedroom
Equipment Needed Hand Truck
Sweepers Requested 2
Sweeper Description punctual and careful not to ding walls
When and Where
Location Cary, 27511
Start Time Wed. Sep 20, 2017 at 10:00am
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Friday, 09/08/17 07:44pm
Awarded Sweepers
Keith H.
Donnie E.
4.97 67 Reviews
Keith H. 5 Great to work with! Keith and Donnie took extra care to make sure the walls and furniture didn't get banged up while moving some really heavy furniture. Highly recommend them!
Donnie E. 5 Great to work with! Donnie and Keith took extra care to make sure the walls and furniture didn't get banged up while moving some really heavy furniture. Highly recommend them!

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