Category Moving
Description We are looking to move large, heavy office furniture around in our facility. Some of the pieces may need to be taken apart and put back together to get from downstairs to upstairs.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 3
Sweeper Description My ideal sweepers are strong and have a general understanding of taking apart and putting together office furniture. I'd love 3 people so one can work on putting any furniture back together that requires it while the other two relocate furniture.
When and Where
Location Raleigh, 27610
Start Time Wed. Aug 2, 2017 at 10:00am
Time Estimate 3 hours
When Posted Wednesday, 07/26/17 12:38pm
Chase G. 5 Excellent! Timely and super efficient!
Benjamin W. 5 Excellent!
Khris F. 5 Excellent! Timely and super efficient!

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