Category Moving
Description 1. Take Sofa, Chair, possibly 2 office chairs to charity donation center. 2. Take 3 TVs, 2 printers to electronics disposal site. Dispose of 9x12 rug 3. In house - move 2 chairs from 1st to 2nd floor, 1 chair to another room on same floor. All items except sofa can be moved by one person. Would like completed between Jan 18 - 20
Equipment Needed Pickup Truck
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Apex, 27502
Start Time Sat. Jan 18 at 10:00am
Time Estimate 4 hours
When Posted Wednesday, 01/15/25 03:01pm
Awarded Sweepers
Michael W.
4.96 47 Reviews
Mustafa L.
5.0 5 Reviews
Michael W. 5 Efficient, timely, and takes care with your property.
Mustafa L. 5 Efficient, timely, and takes care with your property

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