Category Moving
Description 1. Move pieces around house to make way for new items. 2. Need to UNload furniture and odd pieces from Uhaul and take to locations at house. One piece is 7 feet x 5 feet with glass. All other items are smaller and are an antique chair, small cabinet, VERY fragile dollhouse (4 foot x 3 foot), a few chairs and tables and children's toys including a child's small riding electric car. 3. load a couple of items into truck for disposal.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Willow Spring, 27592
Start Time Tue. Aug 27, 2019 at 5:00pm
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Monday, 08/26/19 07:22pm
Awarded Sweepers
Stedman L.
Anthony J.
4.91 11 Reviews
Stedman L. 5 Obviously moved items before. Smart and gracious.
Anthony J. 5 Smart young man. Took initiative when asked.

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