Category Moving
Description I need some people to help me move from Wolf Ridge Apartments in Raleigh to University Woods Apartments about 2 miles away. I have mostly clothes and boxes but I do have a rolling chair and a headboard so I'll need people with an SUV.
Equipment Needed Pickup Truck
Sweepers Requested 2
Sweeper Description I need two strong guys (or girls who don't mind heavy lifting) to help me move from my apartment in Wolf Ridge to my new apartment in University Woods. Wolf Ridge has elevators but keep in mind University Woods does not and I live on the 3rd floor. Bring water and a hat it'll most likely be very hot!
When and Where
Location Raleigh, 27607
Start Time Sun. Jun 21, 2015 at 8:30am
When Posted Friday, 06/19/15 02:55pm
Awarded Sweepers
Chris C.
None 6 Reviews
Christopher L.
None 17 Reviews
Chris C. Did an awesome job! He was very helpful and friendly and the job got done very quickly!
Christopher L. Did an awesome job! He was very helpful and friendly and the job got done very quickly!

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