Category Moving
Description Pack the 2nd of 2 Zippy Shells for our move.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
Sweeper Description We were helped by Connor and Will on 12/15.  Unfortunately we underestimated how much stuff we had to move and needed another Zippy Shell.  We would like to hire sweepers again to finish the job.  Unfortunately I tried to use unskilled workers (my Brothers) to load the zippy shell and they could not pack the pod such that everything got loaded.  Will and Conner did such a professional job, they clearly had more experience loading and moving, I need them to redo what my brothers attempted.  :) Signed,Hard to find good help for free!
When and Where
Location Raleigh, 27616
Start Time Sat. Dec 19, 2015 at 2:00pm
When Posted Thursday, 12/17/15 08:05pm
Awarded Sweepers
Christopher R.
Steven T.
5.0 8 Reviews
Christopher R. Christopher and Steven claimed they were new to Sweeps and moving. I certainly could not tell. They were prompt and efficient. I truely appreciated the care with which they handeled our belongings. Thanks Guys and thanks Sweeps!
Steven T. Steven and Christopher claimed they were new to Sweeps and moving. I certainly could not tell. They were prompt and efficient. I truely appreciated the care with which they handeled our belongings. Thanks Guys and thanks Sweeps!

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