Category Moving
Description I need furniture moved in-house, including a king sized bed, a double bed, two dressers and a couple of disassembled exercise machines. Everything stays at the house. No truck needed. While furniture will be moved from downstairs to upstairs, and upstairs to downstairs, the guys will have the option to carry furniture outside and around the house rather than going up or down stairs. The downstairs is actually the basement that opens to the backyard. Also, I need other furniture moved from one room to an adjoining room in order to pull up carpet, and then, do the same with the adjoining room's furniture to pull up its carpet.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
Sweeper Description Need 2 strong guys.
When and Where
Location Garner, 27529
Start Time Tue. Dec 4, 2018 at 10:00am
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Monday, 11/26/18 05:37pm
Awarded Sweepers
Blake E.
Auburn S.
4.98 41 Reviews
Blake E. 5 Blake was right on time, and got straight to work. He was good about pointing out a more efficient way of moving the furniture around to accommodate the other work I needed done. Good natured, and easy to work with. Would definitely use him again!
Auburn S. 5 Auburn showed up early, and was ready to work. He was quick to get on to the next task, and worked well with his partner. Friendly personality, and easy to work with. Would definitely use him again!

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