Category Moving
Description 1 hour or less furniture loading job. I would like for one "Sweeper" to meet me Tuesday 30th at Dunkin Donuts 8401 Capital Blvd @ 8am (Corner of Durant Rd and Capital Blvd). We will then take my truck to my customer's home in the Heritage neighborhood of Wake Forest. We will pick up a vintage secretary desk and bed for repair. I will then return you to your vehicle at Dunkin Donuts. Secretary desk is fairly large and heavy. It is located on the 1st floor of the home. The bed is upstairs, but is much more manageable.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 1
Sweeper Description Clean image and courteous demeanor is preferred. Able to lift and move heavy furniture through a home without causing damage.
When and Where
Location Wake Forest, 27587
Start Time Tue. Jun 30, 2015 at 8:00am
When Posted Monday, 06/29/15 05:21pm
Awarded Sweepers
Bobby K.
4.83 35 Reviews
Bobby K. Bobby did an excellent job for me today. He was on time and very courteous to my customers. Thanks for the great work!

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