Category Moving
Description Help needed with moving small collection of furniture, and washer/dryer from apartment to townhouse. Everything is staged and ready to go -- just need assistance getting the boxes and large items into and out of the moving truck. Distance between the apartment and townhome is approximately 2 miles. I anticipate it being a very quick and painless move.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Raleigh, 27604
Start Time Tue. Jun 16, 2020 at 2:00pm
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Thursday, 05/14/20 12:37pm
Awarded Sweepers
Miguel G.
4.94 99 Reviews
Preston L.
Miguel G. 5 Prompt, efficient, helpful, and kind. Miguel did an awesome job and worked hard from start to finish. He handled my furniture with care and was careful not to scuff the walls while moving.
Preston L. 5 Prompt, efficient, helpful, and kind. Preston did an awesome job and worked hard from start to finish. He handled my furniture with care and was careful not to scuff the walls while moving.

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