Category Moving
Description I am moving out of my apartment at Post Parkside at Wade. I will be needing sweepers to help move mainly the big stuff out of my apartment.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
Sweeper Description I am on the fourth floor of an apartment building with no elevators so going up and down the stairs will be tough.
When and Where
Location Raleigh, 27607
Start Time Sat. Jul 22, 2017 at 12:00pm
Time Estimate 1 hour
When Posted Tuesday, 07/18/17 02:55pm
Awarded Sweepers
Jason L.
Akbar J.
4.74 19 Reviews
Jason L. 5 Jason was very helpful and he was seasoned on the job. Really enjoyed having him.
Akbar J. 5 Akbar was very helpful in doing whatever jason and I wanted him to do. It was one of his first few weeks on the job and he did very well.

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