Category Moving
Description Moving a 1 bedroom apartment on the 3 rd floor into a 10' U Haul truck. Heaviest things are a Queen bedframe and matress, chest of drawers, couch and side tables. The rest will be boxes of clothes, kitchen items, 2 stools, pictures, and lamps. 1 TV.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Raleigh, 27612
Start Time Wed. May 2, 2018 at 2:30pm
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Tuesday, 04/17/18 12:21pm
Awarded Sweepers
Caleb D.
4.97 64 Reviews
Nick Z.
4.91 55 Reviews
Caleb D. 5 This is the 2nd time we have had Caleb for moving from the third floor. He is a hard-worker, professional and extremely kind and polite. We highly recommend him!
Nick Z. 5 Nick is such a terrific, hard-working young man. We highly recommend him. Thanks Nick!

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