Category Moving
Description I am moving from Raleigh to Charlotte, and need 2 sweepers in Raleigh to load my moving truck in the morning of July 28, and then two other local sweepers in Charlotte to unload the moving truck that afternoon. I will be driving the truck myself.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
Sweeper Description I'm looking for strong sweepers to move a few heavy pieces of furniture efficiently but with great care to avoid any damage or scratching. Also need sweepers who are experienced with moves so that they can pack a moving truck well so that my furniture doesn't get damaged in the drive.
When and Where
Location Raleigh, 27603
Start Time Sat. Jul 28, 2018 at 9:00am
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Tuesday, 07/10/18 09:17pm
Awarded Sweepers
James B.
Malik M.
4.97 30 Reviews
James B. 5 James was very friendly, great to work with, and amazing at packing our UHAUL -- it was a tight squeeze but he knew how to manage everything and handled all our furniture with care. Thanks so much!
Malik M. 5 Malik was very friendly, great to work with, and amazing at packing our UHAUL -- it was a tight squeeze but he knew how to manage everything and handled all our furniture with care. Thanks so much!

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