Category Moving
Description Moving sofa from meeting location to our house in Raleigh. Sofa is large sectional with pull out so both bulky and heavy. We will need it moved out of basement in meeting location, into a truck, and then into the second floor of our townhome. Before the move into our home, we will also need help moving the two current sofas in the second-floor living room downstairs to be either donated or thrown away. We will get a Uhaul for the transport of the sofa.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Cary, 27511
Start Time Sat. Jul 8, 2017 at 11:00am
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Monday, 06/19/17 04:12pm
Awarded Sweepers
Richard N.
4.94 88 Reviews
Blake E.
Richard N. 5 I wasn't at the job today, but my partner Greg said he was very pleased and gives his two thumbs up. Thanks for your help with our sofa move today — we really appreciate it!
Blake E. 5 I wasn't at the job today, but my partner Greg said he was very pleased and gives his two thumbs up. Thanks for your help with our sofa move today — we really appreciate it!

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