Category Moving
Description We need to move bedroom furniture into other rooms in order to have the hardwood floors recoated. A couple of days later we need to move the furniture back in place.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
Sweeper Description Guys who can lift furniture-moving back after floor recoating
When and Where
Location Raleigh, 27607
Start Time Fri. Mar 4, 2022 at 10:00am
Time Estimate 1 hour
When Posted Wednesday, 02/23/22 10:01am
Awarded Sweepers
Evan A.
Arnie T.
Evan A. 5 This is our 4th time with Evan. They don't get any better. He really takes care of the furniture and the house, and he is really respectful.
Arnie T. 5 A hard worker, he got on with the job. He was pleasant as well.

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