Category Moving
Description I need someone to move a piece of furniture, a buffet table, from the basement storage to the first floor. Also I need someone to move my washer and dryer so that I can place some pad down for the washer and dryer to rest on.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Cary, 27511
Start Time Thu. Jul 9, 2015 at 9:45am
When Posted Wednesday, 07/08/15 02:37pm
Awarded Sweepers
Bobby K.
4.83 35 Reviews
Xiangyu W.
None 14 Reviews
Bobby K. Bobby K did an excellent job! He did the job superbly and had an excellent attitude. I would hire again. I would also recommend him to anyone.
Xiangyu W. Xiangyu did an excellent job! He did the job superbly and had an excellent attitude. I would hire again. I would also recommend him to anyone.

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