Details | |
Category | Moving |
Description | living room set, entertainment center, and boxes |
Equipment Needed | none |
Sweepers Requested | 2 |
When and Where | |
Location | Raleigh, 27601 |
Start Time | Sat. Aug 26, 2017 at 10:30am |
Time Estimate | 2 hours |
When Posted | Sunday, 08/20/17 07:07pm |
Awarded Sweepers | |
Jacob R.
40 Reviews
Luke B.
38 Reviews
Reviews | ||
Jacob R. | 5 | Jacob R. and Luke B. are two of the best people you can have to help move you into a new apartment in a new town. On time and very professional and knowledgeable about 'things to do.' Best part is that they didn't give me a hard time for trying to fit too much stuff in a small apartment. Kudos on positive reinforcement guys and making me think anything is possible. lol. You are the best. Definitely want you guys on the next one. |
Luke B. | 5 | Luke B. and Jacob R. are two of the best people you can have to help move you into a new apartment in a new town. On time, very professional and knowledgeable about 'things to do.' Best part is that they don't give you a hard time for trying to fit too much stuff in a small apartment. Kudos on positive reinforcement guys and making me think anything is possible. lol. You are the best. Definitely want you guys on the next one. |
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