Category Organizing
Description I am treating myself to a clean house for the New Year. This is a one-day job to help me purge my apartment of stuff I don't need, reorganize the rooms, and to clean surfaces that need to be cleaned. The kitchen has already been reorganized so we will be re-organizing the bedroom, the living room, and the loft area. There will be a break for lunch and I will provide lunch to the Sweeper.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 1
Sweeper Description I am looking for someone who is a neat freak--someone who will help me sort, organize, and clean the stuff I have in my apartment. I am not a neat freak, so the ideal person for this job would be someone who can suggest cleaning and organizing hacks.
When and Where
Location Carrboro, 27510
Start Time Tue. Dec 29, 2015 at 9:00am
When Posted Saturday, 12/19/15 08:57pm
Awarded Sweepers
Annie R.
4.83 43 Reviews
Annie R. Annie was super nice and helpful. I would definitely have her assist me again.

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