Isaiah B.

Sweeper Level 1

Brooklyn, NY

I’m a hands on person and very energetic. I have a drivers license over 10 years driving cars, vans , box trucks and pick up trucks.


New York City, Virtual




I have cleaned as a custodian and construction clean up.


I did this at the trade center and various technology equipment.


I’ve worked for moving companies and I find work off the books.

Odd Jobs

Uber delivery and door dash and instant cart


My neighbor taught me how to paint and payed me. I paint in my own home frequently.


I have experience in setting up led screens that’s magnetic, coding and wiring them.

Yard Work

I have five job around the neighbor cutting grass and pavement


Cleaning Pack I have microfiber cloths.

Snow Shovel Steel blade on bottom

Shop Vacuum Rigid 5 gal vac

Shovel Standard digging shovel

Level I have a metal standard level

Professional Camera Sony camera

Power Drill Milwaukee drill

Pressure Washer I have a washer with 2 heads

Rake Standard rake

4-Wheel Dolly Good condition

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