Larkin S.

Sweeper Level 1

Little Rock, AR

Professional Background (Nonprofit and Government Management, Gig Labor, Farming, Etc. I have. I have degree.


Auburn, Dallas, Des Moine, Little Rock, Minneapolis, Nashville, Tuscaloosa, Virtual




Worked in the service industry form 15 to 22


moving rental trucks, having to move one place to another multiple times a year, helping others with hauling

Odd Jobs

I never turn down extra income and more responsibility, and I rely in gigs when transitioning careers


My significant other who needs a job is a skilled painter. He grew up working with his dad a union painter.


Worked 4 Epochonline in Little Rock, specializes in web development, database management, email marketing,etc


Tutored in high-school and college. I was a SNAP- Educator for 2 years with a tribal band in WI and DHS

Yard Work

Have been a farm hand on organic farms, research gardens, sustainable gardening initiative grants, landscaping


I'm a fast learner, and understand cleaning 101's/ tips and tricks of the trade


Cleaning Pack HardwareFloor/ShopVacScrubbits

Tool Kit pressure washer, Lazer level

Shop Vacuum Hart Shop vac

Wheel Barrow True temper

Shovel Flat nose scoop shovel

Stud Finder Dewalt stud

Vacuum Cleaner Dyson vacc, rumba

Moving Blankets Yes comealong straps

Car/Courier 2005 grand marquis mercury

Level Lazer level

Power Drill Dewalt Drill

Brushes Brushes clip to can

Pressure Washer Briggs and straton

Rake Standard rake

Tarp Large medium small

Trailer Craftsman backpack blower

Shrub Clipper Need to check

Weed Trimmer Echo weed mulcher

Moving Pack Urine hand truck

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