Sweeper Level 1
Professional Background (Nonprofit and Government Management, Gig Labor, Farming, Etc. I have. I have degree.
Worked in the service industry form 15 to 22
moving rental trucks, having to move one place to another multiple times a year, helping others with hauling
I never turn down extra income and more responsibility, and I rely in gigs when transitioning careers
My significant other who needs a job is a skilled painter. He grew up working with his dad a union painter.
Worked 4 Epochonline in Little Rock, specializes in web development, database management, email marketing,etc
Tutored in high-school and college. I was a SNAP- Educator for 2 years with a tribal band in WI and DHS
Have been a farm hand on organic farms, research gardens, sustainable gardening initiative grants, landscaping
I'm a fast learner, and understand cleaning 101's/ tips and tricks of the trade