Category Tech
Description I need someone to design and lay out the design for a PowerPoint presentation for an event my organization is having on January 23rd. I would need the presentation by Friday the 15th. I have our logo as well as the basic headers and some of the content. I really just need someone to lay it all out for me so that I can finalize/tweak them. There is no equipment needed. Thank you!
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 1
Sweeper Description I am looking for someone with exceptional PowerPoint skills, who can work creatively and quickly. Facility with modest animation would be great.
When and Where
Location Virtual
Start Time ASAP
When Posted Friday, 01/08/16 09:17pm
Awarded Sweepers
Josh E.
5.0 1 Reviews
Josh E. 5 I am entirely happy with the job that Josh did for me in creating a PowerPoint presentation for an upcoming event my nonprofit is hosting. He was friendly and prompt in his communications, designed an excellent presentation, was extremely quick, and went above and beyond in terms of getting me what I needed. I will definitely use him for future projects.

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