Category Yard Work
Description Trim hedges and bushes. Take debris into woods behind the house. Spread mulch and pinestraw. Use weed trimmer. Rake and pull weeds in a couple beds. Put down landscape fabric with pins. Likely will use my battery trimmers, pole saw, battery chain saw, rakes and shovels
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Chapel Hill, 27517
Start Time Fri. Sep 6, 2024 at 9:30am
Time Estimate 4 hours
When Posted Tuesday, 09/03/24 12:18pm
Awarded Sweepers
Jean D M.
4.84 25 Reviews
Asa D.
Jean D M. 5 Nice work. Focused on getting the work done right
Asa D. 5 Nice job going above and beyond and bringing landscaping experience to the job which made everything better

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