Details | |
Category | Yard Work |
Description | Finishing up job from 5.22.21. On ly one hour required. : "I have 5 cu. yards of mulch to spread plus ~16 bales of pine straw. I also need some assistance with transplanting some bulbs. I have all the equipment (rakes, forks, carts) but the Sweeper will want to wear long pants and work boots (because I was bit by a copperhead in our yard last fall.) Part of the yard is in the sun so bring a hat and gloves. A long sleeve shirt is also helpful protection from chiggers when we spread the pine straw." |
Equipment Needed | none |
Sweepers Requested | 1 |
Sweeper Description | I request the help of Duncan. |
When and Where | |
Location | Durham, 27713 |
Start Time | Tue. May 25, 2021 at 6:00pm |
Time Estimate | 1 hour |
When Posted | Monday, 05/24/21 04:39pm |
Awarded Sweepers | |
Duncan M.
45 Reviews
Reviews | ||
Duncan M. | 5 | Duncan was a HUGE help; we are so grateful for the help. Duncan finished the mulch in record time, and he carted all of our pots and tomato cages (15+ trips) from the backyard to the driveway. Thank you! |
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