Category Yard Work
Description We have some underbrush that needs to be cleared out. I have a rake. The town comes to pick up yard debris if placed by the curb the 2nd Wednesday of the month. (Has to be less than 6 ft for sticks). Mostly I'd like the the underbrush removed (fallen branches, pine cones, etc). I have a lawn mover and I usually do the mowing. Prefer weekday work -husband is retired and is home during the day and he's usually up by 8:00am. May hire again for other work in the future.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 1
When and Where
Location Carrboro, 27510
Start Time Sat. Jun 1, 2019 at 12:30pm
Time Estimate 1 hour
When Posted Tuesday, 05/21/19 07:25pm
Awarded Sweepers
James P.
4.98 63 Reviews
James P. 5 See my last comment. I'd like to hire James again for more of the same work, if he is available.

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