Category Yard Work
Description Our sloped front yard and stone patio both need a big weeding--we haven't been able to keep up, what with all the rain, and we're having some folks over for a socially-distanced gathering on 8/22 so I want it to look decent. I'm scheduling this for 8/20, but if weather drives it to the next day we'll have some leeway. I'm also asking for 2 Sweepers so we can get it done early in the day and beat the heat!
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Chapel Hill, 27514
Start Time Thu. Aug 20, 2020 at 8:00am
Time Estimate 3 hours
When Posted Monday, 08/10/20 03:38pm
Awarded Sweepers
Merritt H.
Spencer C.
Merritt H. 5 Great work from Merritt! I appreciate her promptness, cheerfulness and hard work.
Spencer C. 5 Thanks to Spencer for coming on time, working hard and having a great attitude!

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