Category Yard Work
Description I need help to plant a small fig tree (tree is 5ft tall and 4' wide). Will require a person to help me finish digging the hole, add mulch and topsoil, set in tree and cover over roots. Tree with rootball weighs @70lbs, and is positioned near hole. Also need person to blow leaves off yard. I have all tools and materials needed.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 1
Sweeper Description Strong person willing to get dirty. MUST wear long pants and long sleeved shirt. I have XL gloves, and optional safety gear (ear and eye protection). Person needs to be aware that I have honeybees hives in my yard. However, They will not be active during the cool morning hours when we will be working.
When and Where
Location Durham, 27707
Start Time Tue. Mar 7, 2017 at 9:00am
Time Estimate 1 hour
When Posted Monday, 03/06/17 10:47pm
Awarded Sweepers
Benjamin W.
Benjamin W. 5 Benjamin is a very experienced worker, comes prepared and is very courteous.

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