Category Yard Work
Description • Pick up/dispose of all yard debris/limbs. We have 1/4 acre of land in Cary, NC. • Cut grass, weed eat, edge front and back yard. Rake up refuse and dispose of. • Cut out overgrowth (tree suckers) in front shade garden and haul off. • Use herbicide (I have it) on all poison ivy/oak in the front/back yard. • Apply round up grass/weed killer on side of house, then put down bagged pine bark mulch after weed eating (already purchased). • Apply round up grass/weed killer in back: by neighbor’s fence, in gravel area (weeds growing through gravel, and in back yard right of way. Let me know if I need to purchase. • Shovel a small amount of clean topsoil the top of our hill facing our house. Nothing grows there but we don’t know what to do with it. Our contractor left it for us.
Equipment Needed Lawn Mower
Pickup Truck
Weed Trimmer
Sweepers Requested 1
Sweeper Description Would like someone who doesn't waste time and doesn't need much supervision. Unless they can do the work on a Saturday, we may not be home for questions. Must be able to identify poison oak/ivy/sumac in order to spray. Would like the sweeper to come by first while we're home so we can show what needs to be done.
When and Where
Location Cary, 27511
Start Time Sat. May 7, 2016 at 9:00am
When Posted Monday, 05/02/16 10:29am
Awarded Sweepers
Andrew P.
4.97 38 Reviews
Andrew P. 5 Andrew was courteous, professional, and did OUTSTANDING work!

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