Details | |
Category | Cleaning |
Description | This a recurring job in which I am looking for someone to come help me clean my apartment every other week. Specific tasks that I'm looking for help with include general decluttering, vacuuming, folding laundry, washing the dishes, and cleaning the kitchen. I have two cats and do not expect the Sweeper to help me with the litter box or other gross cat messes, but it would be a bonus if that doesn't freak you out. |
Equipment Needed | none |
Sweepers Requested | 1 |
Sweeper Description | The ideal sweeper would be someone who is not judgemental and who won't run away screaming if they arrive to find a pile of dirty dishes in the sink or a cat hairball in the living room. Someone who loves cats and who is NOT allergic would be ideal, but if you can control your allergies with medication, you're more than welcome to try. |
When and Where | |
Location | Carrboro, 27510 |
Start Time | Sun. Jul 22, 2018 at 10:00am |
Time Estimate | 1 hour |
When Posted | Tuesday, 07/17/18 07:48pm |
Awarded Sweepers | |
Jacob F.
107 Reviews
Reviews | ||
Jacob F. | 5 | Jacob worked quickly and was very thorough. I definitely recommend him. |
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