Category Moving
Description I have a mattress that I ordered and it is folded into a box. The box is very heavy and I cannot get it up the front stair or up to the bedroom on the second floor. I need that box moved upstairs and undone to flatten out and the old mattress carried downstairs to see if it will fit in my SUV to take to the dump. I have no idea if one person canmove the mattress.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Chapel Hill, 27517
Start Time Sat. Oct 12, 2024 at 9:00am
Time Estimate 1 hour
When Posted Friday, 10/11/24 02:25pm
Awarded Sweepers
Omar H.
Cahyran D.
Omar H. 5 He figured out how to get a difficult job done. Smart and hard working.
Cahyran D. 4 He worked well with Omar.

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