Category Moving
Description I am receiving a pallet of frozen ice cream mix (~55 50-lb boxes) that I need to have unloaded by hand from the freezer truck and transferred into a rented box truck. Then we will drive 3 miles to the shop location in Chapel Hill where we will transfer the 50 boxes to a walk-in freezer using a hand truck .
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 3
When and Where
Location Durham, 27707
Start Time Tue. Feb 25 at 1:45pm
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Sunday, 02/23/25 10:44am
Awarded Sweepers
Omar H.
Lucas J.
Joe T.
4.94 16 Reviews
Omar H. 5 Omar did a great job! He arrived on time and worked together with the team to get the job done! I enjoyed spending 2 hours with him!
Lucas J. 5 Lucas did a great job! He arrived on time and worked together with the team to get the job done! I enjoyed spending 2 hours with him!
Joe T. 5 Joe did a great job! He arrived on time and worked together with the team to get the job done! I enjoyed spending 2 hours with him!

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