Category Moving
Description I am unloading a storage unit into a moving truck (which I'll drive) and taking it across the street, then unloading it into my apartment (3rd floor). I don't need everything out of the storage unit, but we might need to move things around - some stuff might be in the back, etc. I'll help out with the move and can point out what needs to be moved where.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Carrboro, 27510
Start Time Mon. Aug 12, 2019 at 10:00am
Time Estimate 4 hours
When Posted Monday, 08/05/19 01:40am
Awarded Sweepers
Jacob F.
Leandro V.
4.96 28 Reviews
Jacob F. 5 Jake was efficient, helpful, and professional, as well as friendly and courteous. He worked hard and helped make my move super easy! I would gladly hire Jake again for a job.
Leandro V. 5 Leo worked quickly and efficiently to clear my storage unit and help make my move-in really easy. He was professional and hard working and I would definitely hire him again.

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