Details | |
Category | Moving |
Description | Move from 300 Copperline Drive Apt F (third floor with no elevator) to 106 Melrose Place Apt C (first floor with direct access). Moving distance is ~500ft (very close). 2 bedroom apartment with washer and dryer that also need to be moved. All small stuff will be packed in boxes. We will provide uhaul or pickup trucks. |
Equipment Needed | none |
Sweepers Requested | 3 |
When and Where | |
Location | Chapel Hill, 27516 |
Start Time | Fri. May 4, 2018 at 9:00am |
Time Estimate | 2 hours |
When Posted | Tuesday, 04/10/18 09:21pm |
Awarded Sweepers | |
Tyler D.
162 Reviews
Moses B.
256 Reviews
Keith H.
475 Reviews
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