Category Moving
Description Need help with 2 trips. The first is moving from a 1br unit into a new house. The second is moving another 1br worth of stuff from a storage unit in Durham to the same new house. We have a moving truck so the Sweepers would meet us to load, then follow the truck in their car.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
Sweeper Description Fast, strong, nice
When and Where
Location Durham, 27701
Start Time Sat. Aug 12, 2017 at 9:00am
Time Estimate 4 hours
When Posted Saturday, 08/05/17 03:56pm
Awarded Sweepers
Moses B.
Victor A.
Moses B. 4 Moses was great to work with.
Victor A. 5 Victor did an awesome job and I'd definitely hire him again.

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