Category Moving
Description Need help moving boxes and furniture from a storage unit in front of our house around the back the the finished basement, about 50 yards downhill with no stairs, and distribute in a few rooms in the basement. We have a hand truck.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
Sweeper Description We ask that sweepers to bring masks to wear and wear latex or work gloves while working. Also, please bring a pair of clean shoes to change into for moving boxes inside as we will have just had carpet installed.
When and Where
Location Durham, 27707
Start Time Mon. May 11, 2020 at 11:00am
Time Estimate 3 hours
When Posted Thursday, 05/07/20 07:04pm
Awarded Sweepers
Moses B.
Leandro V.
4.96 28 Reviews
Moses B. 5 great job, thanks for the help
Leandro V. 5 great job, thanks for the help

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