Details | |
Category | Moving |
Description | Moving 1 loveseat, 1 computer desk / hutch, 1 small tv stand, 1 small bookcase, 1 small wheeled cart, 1 end table, 1 desk chair, 1 armed chair, 1 side chair, and 3-5 banker's boxes from home to office approx 7-8 miles away. |
Equipment Needed |
Hand Truck
Sweepers Requested | 2 |
When and Where | |
Location | Durham, 27704 |
Start Time | Wed. Aug 9, 2017 at 12:30pm |
Time Estimate | 1 hour |
When Posted | Wednesday, 08/09/17 02:43am |
Awarded Sweepers | |
Moses B.
256 Reviews
Avery H.
40 Reviews
Reviews | ||
Moses B. | 5 | Moses was great, hard-working and fast, while still being careful of my things and the walls. He is super friendly and helpful, even when I wanted to rearrange things several times until we got it right : ). Moses can help me out any time! I only wish I could have afforded a bigger tip, he really earned it!!! |
Avery H. | 5 | Avery was great, hard-working and fast, while still being careful of my things and the walls. He is super friendly and helpful, even when I wanted to rearrange things several times until we got it right : ). Avery can help me out any time! I only wish I could have afforded a bigger tip, he really earned it!!! |
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