Category Moving
Description Moving furniture, boxes, and suitcases from a UHaul Truck to a third-floor apartment.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location High Point, 27265
Start Time Sat. May 4, 2019 at 4:00pm
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Monday, 04/15/19 04:38pm
Awarded Sweepers
Didier S.
Richard N.
4.94 88 Reviews
Didier S. 5 Didier was great. Arrived on time with a positive attitude, worked super efficiently, and great conversationalist. It was one of my easiest moves.
Richard N. 5 Richard was great. Arrived on time with a positive attitude and worked very efficiently. He was very courteous and polite. It was one of my easiest moves.

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