Category Moving
Description Hi. I need to move some items from my apartment at second floor to another apartment at second floor in a different community within Raleigh. Items include - washer, dryer, one sofa, one wooden office table, a queen bed and couple of moving boxes.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Raleigh, 27609
Start Time Sat. Jun 18, 2016 at 12:45pm
Time Estimate 1 hour
When Posted Wednesday, 06/15/16 04:35am
Awarded Sweepers
Nic B.
Brandon H.
4.88 57 Reviews
Nic B. 5 Nic is very polite person. Worked very efficiently and on time. Thank you.
Brandon H. 5 Brandon arrived on time and very efficient person. Helped with all the required items. Thank you.

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