Brandon A.

Sweeper Level 2

5.0 1 Review

Dallas, NC

North Carolina State University, Business Administration and Management

I am a rising senior at North Carolina State University, majoring in Business Administration and Marketing. I have an interest in pursuing a career in International Marketing. I will graduate in the Fall of 2017, having completed four business marketing internships, studied abroad twice, and completed over 500 hours of community service. I like to believe that I am a jack-of-all-trades, who is very experienced with general and skilled labor. I believe a strong work ethic and positive attitude is the key to success.


Charlotte, Virtual


I am Vice President of the Hindi-Urdu Club, a member of International Studies and Habitat for Humanity Clubs, and an active member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity.



Effectively managed within a student powered share-economy moving company, Bellhops, assisting customers with end-to-end “A to B” moves with box truck. Customer satisfaction review of 4.96/5.


Grew up taking care of my father's rental homes, cleaning houses' interior and exterior upon changing of tenants.


Have attended over 20 events in Raleigh to generate health and life insurance leads during my Marketing Internship in Raleigh

Yard Work

I have taken care of my parents', and grandparents' houses growing up, and also have numerous recommendations from co-owning a home restoration company.


I have organized numerous new member education events including philanthropy related, fundraising, and traditional education.


I have earned over 20 A's in college, and have a passion for learning and reading.


I co-own a home restoration company, where I have generated over $5000 solely from indoor/outdoor painting. Have numerous recommendations, as well as recommendations on LinkedIn


I worked with two other interns at Parks and Recreation to create a GIS database of a local cemetery using CIMS software. The database was completed and up-to-date upon completion of internship.

Odd Jobs

I like to believe that I am the conduit between brand and consumer, with much success in; B2B & B2C Sales, Business and Resource Development, Customer Service, and Operations Management. I believe a strong work ethic and positive attitude is the key to success.


Hand Truck I have two handtrucks.

Leaf Blower New Husqavana Handheld Leaf Blower and rake

Pressure Washer New pressure washer 15hp engine

Power Drill New drill with numerous bits.

Weed Trimmer New weedeater and edger

Verification Info

5 Moving in Raleigh

Daniel W.

Very helpfull